Peter DeFazio and the Portland Nuke

YOU can stop the next 9/11!

Peter DeFazio and the Portland Nuke

By Captain Eric H. May

Military Correspondent

"Maybe the people who think there's a conspiracy out there are right."

Congressman Peter DeFazio, 7/20/07

False Flags

About a quarter hour into my half hour interview with her Wednesday, Penny Dodge, chief of staff for Oregon's Congressman Peter DeFazio, asked me what a "false flag" attack was. I explained it in a few words.

A false flag attack is one in which you attack your own people, then blame it on a group of people you want to attack. It's a radical stratagem for instantly creating hatred, and it's common, historically speaking, all the way from ancient to modern times. For example:

*The Roman Emperor Nero burned Rome, then blamed it on emerging Christianity.

*The German Fuhrer Hitler burned the Reichstag, then blamed it on communist Jewry.

*The American President Bush demolished the World Trade Center, then blamed it on radical Islam.

VIDEO: Homeland Security Troops yell at Alex Jones in New York

You Tube | September 14 2006

Homeland Security Troops yell at Alex Jones in New York after a wrestling event on September 11, 2006.
