A History of the National Security State

So far, this is very good...

I have a ways to go to finish it.
Are the "lists" online somewhere?

$10,000 Award to ASU Students/Teachers - Ad in Sept 2008

PDF of Advertisement at Arizona State University - Sept 17, 2008 - https://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Uploads/004/Media/Mike_Shoen_9-11_46769.pdf

Larger image - http://photos2.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/2/3/8/b/highres_453009099.jpeg

At the 1:29:23 mark, he discusses the 9/11 challenge.

Michael Shoen - A website of his with updated entry.
...In the past six years there has been progress in research on 9/11 but our citizens are still ignorant of what actually happened....