Internet Radio

REPORT: Twitter Hacked by "Iranian Cyber Army"

source: Mashable

via @Visibility911 on Twitter

Twitter Has Been Hacked

Not long ago, we received reports that Twitter was hacked. If the screenshots are indication, someone got past Twitter’s defenses. The apparent organization responsible is the “Iranian Cyber Army.”

Here’s what we know: Less than an hour ago, Twitter (Twitter) was changed to the screenshot you see below (thanks Chris and others for the images). Not long after this, Twitter and the status blog were taken down.

For one of the world’s most popular websites to be hacked and taken down, even for a few minutes, is a huge embarrassment. This type of thing should never happen. We are awaiting an explanation.

Twitter is still down, likely due to this hacker.

More as it develops.


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RT @Visibility911: Twitter hacked by "Iranian Cyber Army" RT @mashable NOT GOOD: Twitter Hacked


Steve Alten, author of The Shell Game, and the Green Party Debate is coming up on No Lies Radio!!

Sun Jan 20th -- 2pm PST -- 5pm EST -- Green Party Presidential Candidates Debate
Held in SF on 1/13/2008 - uncut 3 hours debate - hear Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader, others.

Wed Jan 23rd -- 6pm PST -- 9pm EST -- Steve Alton, author of The Shell Game
interviewed by Carol Brouillet's on Questioning War-Organizing Resistance. We are now carrying Carol's show first broadcast on WTPRN on Mondays every Wednesday, but WITHOUT THE COMMERCIALS.

Every Weekday at 3pm PST -- 6pm EST -- 911Truth Teach-In.
and repeated Saturday at 9am -- 12pm EST

Hear the greatest interviews and lectures by David Ray Griffin, Stephen Jones, Richard Gage, and other leaders in the 911Truth movement. This is a perfect introduction to 911Truth for your friends that need the basics.

24 * 7 We have the best 911Truth and Anti-War Music, Talk, Comedy, and News on the Air.


New 911Truth Internet Radio it Out.

I am asking for the group's comments and constructive suggestions for the 911Truth Internet Radio
Station I set up last week, It is still in "beta" testing and I am making changes as we go based on actual results and feedback. Please take a few minutes if you can and listen in and tell me and the 911Blogger group what you think!!! It runs 24*7. And if you like it, please tell your friends. Lots of cool music and relevant talk. We are hoping that newcomers to 911Truth will find it enlightening and entertaining without being bored. And that the converted will adopt it as their own. Lots of potential here....more announcements and changes to come as we quickly adjust to actual results and your feedback.



Allan Rees
